Tuesday, November 17, 2009



Breeder reactor is the one which convert non-fissionable material. (U-238, Th-232) into fissionable materials U-233, Pu-239). Thus the reactor produces more fissionable materials than it consumes.
92U235+ 0n1 --> 94Pu239 + 2e-
Non – fissionable Fissionable
94Pu239 + 0n1 --> Fission products + 30n1

In breeder reactor, of the three neutrons emitted in the fission of U-235, only one is used in propagating the fission chain with U-235. The other two are allowed to react with U-238. Thus, two fissionable atoms of Pu-239 are produced for each atom of U-235 consumed. Therefore, the breeder reactor produces more fissionable material than it uses.

In general,
1. The fissionable nucleides such as U-235 & Pu-239 are called fissile nucleides.
2. The non-fissionable nucleides such as U-238 & Th-232 are called fertile nucleides.

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